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Setting Your Direction - A Series of Life Clarifying Exercises

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

In these uncertain times, many of us are seeking some grounding, purpose and vision for the future.

If you’re like me, you may be longing for stability, having moments of fear, joy and sadness, and in the next moment revel in the life awareness that being present can bring.

These unprecedented times can be met with and used to wallow, be fearful and isolation or can be a time to align with the planet in re-setting your path. So why not to re-set your path; consider what you would like the next step in your life to be, and move steadfast in that direction?

Are you in? Join me as we create a vision that will usher in a most beautiful new life chapter for you. Let’s get started!

Select a ‘canvas’ of your choice to begin crafting that next chapter. That may include plain unlined, lined or fancy printed paper in any size of your liking. You can employ a simple pen or pencil, or coloured pencils or markers. The choices are plentiful.

You will be creating a well-rounded plan for yourself. It’s important to consider all aspects including the following:

  • Health

  • Career

  • Family

  • Contribution

  • Social

  • Physical

  • Intellectual

  • Spiritual

  • Financial

  • Personal and Professional Growth

For each of these areas visualize where greater success in these areas would be. Allow yourself to create a picture for yourself that makes that area ‘better’.

I recently spoke with one of my clients and he focused on his work. I reminded him that business is only one aspect of life. As we explored, it became apparent to him that his life was out of balance, using much of his precious time to create business achievements. His epiphany was that he had been given the gift of working remote which gave him another 2 hours a day he used to spend commuting to his office. This analysis from the exercises below encouraged him to shift that time to focus on the other areas of his life. The learning from this, for all of us is that all aspects of life are important.

Honour where ever you are and make this a pleasurable activity, not a stressful one!

So find a quiet place to sit and ponder your post pandemic future. Print this off or use blank paper to create your new vision.

Let’s get started.

Exercise #1: Thought provoking introspective questions.

Answer these questions to begin your roadmap:

  1. If you woke up tomorrow and your life was exactly as you wanted it to be, what would be different?

  2. What values and passions are expressed in your vision, work and life?

  3. What gets you totally jazzed? What do you love about your life?

  4. What drags you down, sucks your energy?

  5. What impact are you having on yourself, your work, your family, your co-workers, and the world?

  6. What activities are you focusing your time on? Are these the activities you want to be focusing your time on? Is there an imbalance between what you are you currently doing and what you would like to be doing?

  7. Do you currently feel a full sense of contribution? If not, what is detracting form that sense of contribution? What would add to it?

Once you’ve answered these questions look for any commonalities. As you re-read your answers, which answers get you fired up and excited?

Exercise #2: Bucket list

Write a list of 20 things (or more!) you would like to do in this lifetime: your bucket list. Describe them in full colour, so clear that you will know when have completed them. Eliminate all barriers and think of things you would like to do. Don’t let money, time, ability, experience or location be a barrier. Obviously there are some barriers that must be considered. An example of this would be if you wanted to be a famous rock star, but had the type of voice that makes even animals run and hide, you may want to consider being the drummer not the vocalist. Be realistic about any barriers that you think of. In most cases there is a way around it.

Anthony Robbins describes writing a list of what he wanted to accomplish in life, when he barely had a dime in his pocket. The items on his list seemed unrealistic, but now has come to be reality.

Exercise #3: Fear vs. Success

List things you are afraid to attempt. What have you always wanted to do but have been afraid to do? Interestingly the fear may be a fear of failing, trying something new, or even a fear of succeeding. What would happen if you were to succeed?

Exercise #4: Lottery Winner

If you were the $1 million winner what would you do with your money? How exciting to think about the possibilities. I’ve known 2 different big lottery winners. Each handled it differently. What would you do with a big win?

Exercise #5: Perfect day vision.

Describe a perfect day, post covid. Write it as if it were 1 year from today. Start with ‘I wake up in…”. In this story you are creating, it is using your conscious and unconscious minds, so just allow it to flow. No judgement, just observation. Watch as your pen creates a story that makes your hear sing.

Include all areas of your life, after all, we’re not just one dimensional. Include personal and professional achievements.

What types of activities would make you feel good, fulfilled, fill a need you have?

Take the time you need to create this. You may, and probably will find that your mind will need more that one pass at this. How many times have you given your mind this freedom to create your future?

If you reach a dry point, come back to it later and add on to it as your mind creates more goals for you.

· Career – your role/job; office location; people you work with; contribution you make

· Family life

· Home location

· Health

· Fitness

· Financial Wealth

· Future planning: children, parents, geographic moves, retirement, etc.

· Friends

· Travel

· Social activities

· Spiritual/religious

· Education

· Volunteer work

· Anything else that makes your life full, rich and satisfying

Stop here until you have finished the exercises.

Now is a good time to reflect on your responses. Look for commonalities in your answers.

Here are a few things to reflect on:

The thought-provoking questions in exercise #1 provided a base for opening your mind to where you are now and how satisfied you are with the current picture.

In exercise #2 listing what you would have in your bucket list provides insight into your basic values. Are you doing those things now? Make it count now!

In exercise #3, things that you are afraid to attempt are based on self-limiting beliefs. That is to say that you have imposed on yourself beliefs about what you can and cannot do. These may be obstacles that you have created to stop yourself from achieving your goals. Are these truly prohibiting you from achieving your dreams? If so, how can you overcome them?

In exercise #4 the lottery winner question reflects values. Money can sometimes limit what we choose to do. By eliminating this potential obstacle you can attempt whatever you choose. If you set goals and work toward them you can make your dreams come true.

And finally, exercise #5 brings a lot of the previous exercises together. It’s the ‘where do I want to be’ and ‘what needs to change’ picture. Re-read it and then answer these 2 questions:

1. How will life be different when you are living this vision?

2. How do you feel when you are living this vision?

You have just created a good baser for your goals. These reflect your ultimate potential. If you set your goals, plan well and identify any obstacles you can make anything become reality. Now look at your answers to each of these questions and find the commonalities. As you re-read your answers, which items get you fired up and excited?

Goal Setting:

Yay! Now you are finished your visioning. The next step is to create some goals based on your vision.

1. From your responses identify 5 action items that will move that needle forward on your success continuum. Ask yourself ‘How will I know I’ve completed this goal?’ Make it clear, measurable, realistic and set a time frame for completion.

2. Once you have your goals clearly written, break them down into manageable chunks, by month or even by week to see incremental progress over time.

This is where having a coach comes in, to guide you to stay on track and manage any obstacles you can, and will encounter. If you don’t have a coach or haven’t yet experienced the benefit of a coach contact me for a complimentary exploratory session.

Keep moving in the direction of the future you have dreamed of. You can do this. I believe in you and your ability to make your future a reality!

Your coach,


Anne Rose, Certified Life/Leadership Coach and Author, can be reached at 416-557-1177 or email at: You can also visit her website,

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